by David Peirce | Apr 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
You sprain your ankle, twist your knee or bust your shoulder – what do you do? RICE or Rest Ice Compression Elevation is a 40yo catchphrase used widely to manage acute injuries. It stings for a bit but then it numbs the area and feels better – temporarily. Recent... by David Peirce | Mar 18, 2024 | Uncategorized
Are you constantly rolling your tight ITB, rubbing that tension in your neck or trying to stretch those tight hamstrings? Do you find that no matter what you do, that tightness never goes away? People stretch with the intention of trying to lengthen their muscles but,... by David Peirce | Apr 11, 2022 | Uncategorized
The winter sports season sees of thousands of bodies partaking in a huge range of school and club sports – all the footy codes, netball, hockey and many others. Over the years advice changes on the best way to minimise and manage injuries so here’s our top tips for... by David Peirce | Aug 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Are you doing your Pilates, gym, training or rehab exercises in a ‘neutral spine”? Well for starters you’re not! Various biomechanical studies have shown it is near impossible to keep a neutral position if your are moving. Secondly – why? Day to day life involves... by David Peirce | Jul 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
Growing, active kids are at risk of developing upper shin or heel pain with the return to sports, dance and more activity. These conditions almost always DO NOT need complete rest and can be managed to allow activity to continue. Have a look at this infosheet and get... by David Peirce | Feb 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
It’s that time of year when new year’s resolutions are either starting to become habit, haven’t started or have already stopped! Health professionals around the world are starting to see people sore from new exercise, developing pain from going too hard to soon or...
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