Are you skipping Pilates exercises because of pain?

You’ve found the exercise option that you like – Pilates. Your body enjoys the movement, you feel great after each session – but something is holding you back. There’s a niggle in your shoulder that stops you doing side planks on the foot bar. There’s a twinge in your...

Don’t Let a Niggle Become a Nag!

It’s that time of year when your gym program is starting to become routine, pre-season training has started or your new found fitness activity is getting easier – so you make it harder! For many gym-goers and athletes, minor aches and pains are often dismissed as part...

Backs are meant to bend

Low back pain continues to top lists of ailments causing time off work, interference with daily life and costs of treatment. Debates rage within the medical world as to the best approach to treat low back pain and there is clearly no winner. There is one aspect I have...