It’s that time of year when new year’s resolutions are either starting to become habit, haven’t started or have already stopped! Health professionals around the world are starting to see people sore from new exercise, developing pain from going too hard to soon or worse, being injured and having to stop and lose momentum. If you have kept it going then congratulations – you are amongst the few who actually start and continue their new year plans. Building a new body or recovering from injury, pain or surgery is very much like building a house – a good foundation is critical.. Buildings constructed without the steel in concrete will eventually develop cracks or worse and fixing that can besometimes, impossible.

Our bodies are less forgiving and we can, together, fix the foundations if you haven’t quite spent enough time working on it before the fancy exercises, heavy lifts, turbo charged classes or long runs.

Physiotherapy session going on

If you’re starting out now, spend a good 4 weeks working on the basics – postural awareness, lighter higher repetition weights, slower runs, maybe skip a few exercises in the class until you’re ready. If you have pain or an old injury, get advice from a health professional who can analyse your history and situation and help you develop a plan that will result in the outcome you desire. If you’ve developed a problem, get it assessed early – it probably wont just magically go away! The right plan can allow you to continue your exercise progress while working on the reasons why you developed pain. Our expertise and experience can help you with alternative exercise, guiding movement, managing the load and most importantly, understanding why and not having the problem return.

It may be boring and take longer than you want, but getting the foundation right will make a huge difference once you start to build your new body.

For expertise and experience for your problem contact David at