Low back pain continues to top lists of ailments causing time off work, interference with daily life and costs of treatment.
Debates rage within the medical world as to the best approach to treat low back pain and there is clearly no winner.
There is one aspect I have struggled to accept for years now and that is the notion of moving with a ‘neutral spine’. Backs are meant to bend!
There are people all over the globe living in fear of bending their back as they have been told they are damaged, weak and vulnerable.
It fascinates me that the accepted approach to all other body parts apart from the spine, is to attempt to regain full range of movement and strengthen the muscles around and influencing the area, while learning sensible load management strategies to minimize fatigue or reinjury.
You cannot get dressed, get in the car, sit or shower with a straight spine! Backs are meant to bend! If you are experiencing recurring or persistent back pain then the answer is unfortunately not going to be a simple case of getting stronger.
Modern research tells us pain is complex and multifaceted BUT living in fear of movement and constantly protecting your back is not going to be the answer to your pain.We have to address why you think you have back pain, what you’ve been told, your movement strategies, your spinal mobility, strength and endurance, setting goals to regain function without pain and return to those activities you avoid or fear because of pain.