Don’t Let a Niggle Become a Nag!

It’s that time of year when your gym program is starting to become routine, pre-season training has started or your new found fitness activity is getting easier – so you make it harder! For many gym-goers and athletes, minor aches and pains are often dismissed as part...

Backs are meant to bend

Low back pain continues to top lists of ailments causing time off work, interference with daily life and costs of treatment. Debates rage within the medical world as to the best approach to treat low back pain and there is clearly no winner. There is one aspect I have...

You can’t stretch away weakness

Are you constantly rolling your tight ITB, rubbing that tension in your neck or trying to stretch those tight hamstrings? Do you find that no matter what you do, that tightness never goes away? People stretch with the intention of trying to lengthen their muscles but,...

Should you stretch before playing sport?

The winter sports season sees of thousands of bodies partaking in a huge range of school and club sports – all the footy codes, netball, hockey and many others. Over the years advice changes on the best way to minimise and manage injuries so here’s our top tips for...