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David Physio Treatment Options

David Peirce Sports Physiotherapy Tarragindi

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports related injuries need early accurate assessment, appropriate management and treatment. David has years of experience with just that and can assist with your sport physiotherapy treatments to get you back on the field and prevent further injuries from occuring.
David Peirce Musicians Physiotherapy Tarragindi

Music Physio

Through my music physio consulting role with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra (9 years) and G U Queensland Conservatorium, I have a strong working knowledge of musicians’ playing related injuries, the physical stresses involved and practical solutions to reduce pain and even improve performance.
David Peirce Dancers Physiotherapy Tarragindi

Dance Physio

With over 25 years experience helping dancers return to the stage, I really do understand how much you love it, how much it frustrates you to just have to watch class and how badly you want to get back to dancing and performing. With David’s dance physio management, he can help with early diagnosis of pain or injury.