“Can I just say, it is so good to see someone for help and not have to explain what I do!”
This was a quote from an actor who needed help with mid-back pain during production week with a Qld Theatre show a few years ago. (The show did go on…)
Actors should not have to act to avoid showing pain during rehearsals and performances. We can help with the treatment of acute pain and injuries and also guide achievable physical conditioning programs to ensure you are ready for the next audition or role.
Having worked with artists from both stage and screen, we understand the demands of movement direction, costume challenges, maintaining character and managing fatigue and repetition (and repetition)
If needed, we can attend backstage or accommodation during hours that suit production times.
Contact us for help with:
Pain & injury analysis and management
Advice on role prep and physical recovery protocols
Costume alterations, strapping or bracing options
Vocal health maintenance
Whole of cast briefings and recovery / stretch sessions

“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and joy cannot be felt.”
Herophilies, 300B.C., physician to Alexander the Great