Are you doing your Pilates, gym, training or rehab exercises in a ‘neutral spine”? Well for starters you’re not!

Various biomechanical studies have shown it is near impossible to keep a neutral position if your are moving. Secondly – why? Day to day life involves bending forwards, backwards, sideways, twisting all combinations. Try putting on your socks with a perfectly straight back! Exercise for rehabilitation or general strength needs to be functional – i.e. translatable to daily use. If you think your back is weak and injured, you can’t protect forever in ‘neutral’, you need to gradually load it up to gain the strength and resilience to perform life tasks without fear of more pain.
If you’re lifting heavy then sure, technique is important to avoid injury but most of us mortals are just trying to avoid injury and feel great again, not break the world deadlift record. (currently 501kg!)
For back pain rehabilitation, we start bending and twisting under load early on to reduce the fear of these “dangerous” movements. It’s important to understand how the body naturally functions and how to build resilience to avoid spending the rest of your life protecting your back and never really move again.

For expertise and experience for your problem contact David at

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